Home / GM Lighting Makes ‘Significant Contribution’ To Aid Impoverished Holocaust Survivors

GM Lighting Makes ‘Significant Contribution’ To Aid Impoverished Holocaust Survivors

April 11, 2019The Dreidel

posts from The Dreidel

According to The Man/Kind Project, Inc., Mokena, Illinois lighting manufacturer GM Lighting ‘made a significant contribution to our ongoing  program that feeds and advocates for impoverished Holocaust survivors’, according to the Los Angeles based non-profit and advocacy group.

“These brave survivors have found a real champion in Rob Gerber, and his company GM Lighting”, remarked Man/Kind Project founder, Richard Stellar.  “Their contribution is amplified x 46 by our advocacy group partner, Aviv for Holocaust Survivors, in Israel.  Additionally, care packages that contain food, medical aid and other items will go directly into the hands of needy survivors.”

Rob Gerber, president of GM Lighting, commented, “we recognize the sacrifices that Holocaust survivors have made for all of us, and we were only too happy to be able to contribute to the welfare of survivors who have fallen into poverty.  Their final years should not be difficult.”

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