January 15, 2019Thedreidel
The sound stage at the ABC Broadcast Center in Manhattan’s Upper West Side had not been buzzing like this since network executives cancelled the Roseanne show. Meghan McCain, daughter of Republican Senator John McCain and co-host of The View was pacing nervously in her dressing room, preparing herself for a confrontation that would have her ‘stepping outside herself’ to confront the organizers of the Women’s March. Only a few feet away, Women’s March co-organizers Tamika Mallory and Bob Bland were in make-up, having eye-liner applied to their sunken eyes. Rimmed red from a lack of sleep while feeding the fires of anti-Semitism, the ABC make-up artist did her best to make them appear human, at least for television.
The producers of The View invited them on to defend accusations of anti-Semitism that were being leveled at the Women’s March. As they approached the set, a production assistant greeted them coldly with a limp hand shake and air kisses, then invited them to take their seat. Meghan McCain looked up coldly from her notes and smiled a hello. Knowing that this confrontation would be as crucial to the fight against intolerance as it would be a ratings grabber, McCain shifted in her seat and silently prayed that she would get it right.
“the whole world must see that Israel must exist and has the right to exist, and is one of the great outposts of democracy in the world” – Martin Luther King
In the millions of viewers who were watching McCain and co-host Sunny Hostin eviscerate the co-organizers, University of North Carolina Chancellor Nancy Cable and Interim Provost Karin Peterson asked for the monitor in the UNC student union to be turned off. Having invited Mallory to deliver the keynote speech to honor Reverend Martin Luther King on MLK Day at the University, they were facing a public relations nightmare. Mallory’s appearance on The View, where the core of her group’s anti-Semitic message was revealed beneath the veneer of women’s rights was ripped off like a scab and revealed by McCain. Mallory’s attempts to distance herself from ex-calypso singer and now Nation of Islam reverend Louis Farrakhan’s anti-Semitic tirade against Jews, who he called ‘termites’, and against Israel, where he lead chants of ‘Death to Israel’ while in Tehran – fell on deaf ears.
As hard as she tried to dissuade Farrakhan’s hate-speech, she could not unring the bell of her own intolerance and lunacy. Mallory has called the formation of Israel ‘a human rights crime’, and as a further slap in the face to Holocaust survivors, and all Jews, she would not condemn the hate speech of Louis Farrakhan, even when Megan McCain gave her the chance. Even Farrakhan’s notion that ‘lying, murderist (sic), Zionist Jews were behind 9/11’ – Mallory sat mute. Unapologetic. Unwavering. Uninformed.
How then is a person like this chosen to speak in a commemoration for a friend of Israel? Martin Luther King’s love for Israel and support of Zionism is legend. He wrote “the whole world must see that Israel must exist and has the right to exist, and is one of the great outposts of democracy in the world”. King further stated “When people criticize Zionists they mean Jews, you are talking anti-Semitism.”
Then how is someone who in Dr. King’s own definition, is an anti-Semite, invited to speak at the University of North Carolina?
Liora Rez, Director of The Center for Combating Hate in America (C4CHA.org) brought up an issue that few had considered: “UNC Asheville has the responsibility to make informed decisions. Tamika Mallory’s anti-Semitic rhetoric and allegiance to Louis Farrakhan incites violence against and creates a dangerous environment for Jewish students. We do not believe the University would provide the same platform for leaders of the KKK, Al Qaeda or any other hate group.”
Understanding the danger of Mallory’s and other leaders of the Women’s March anti-Semitic sentiment, the local North Carolina Women’s March chapter in Charlotte denounced Mallory.
An Australian social service agency also canceled Mallory’s appearance at its annual conference because of anti-Semitism and her endorsement of noted anti-Semite Louis Farrakhan.
As organizations and individuals condemn Mallory and distance themselves from her hateful vitriol, UNC Asheville and Chancellor Nancy Cable are rather providing a platform for her and lends their authority toward legitimizing her anti-Semitism.
Rez added, “C4CHA believes that there’s no room in America for Mallory’s bigotry, hatred, and racism. Anyone who propagates hateful messages is free to express their opinions as they wish, but should not be given a public platform at an educational establishment to do so.”
“We do not believe the University would provide the same platform for leaders of the KKK, Al Qaeda or any other hate group.” – Liora Rez, C4PCHA.org
Monday morning, January 14 would have been another morning for Chancellor Cable, had it not been for the incessant ringing in the outer office of her assistant. Through the walnut paneling the Chancellor could hear the muffled voices: “yes ma’am, we are aware of it…yes, yes…I will give the Chancellor your message”. Only to be followed by another ring, and another – the outrage of the public to the University’s underwriting and support of hate speak not going unnoticed, the public started to react. CACHA created a compelling petition drive here https://www.stopantisemitism.org/current-petitions/unc-asheville/. The petition reads:
Call on University of North Carolina Asheville to Replace Tamika Mallory as the Keynote Speaker at its Annual Martin Luther King Jr. Event on January 24th
Dr. King must be rolling in his grave. His name, synonymous with tolerance and understanding, is being co-opted by anti-Semitism and ignorance. The halls of higher learning has shown itself to be amoral. As Hitler was able to take a foothold in German universities, this game plan is being repeated. Tamika Mallory has shown her true colors. Hijacking a movement whose purpose is crucial to women’s rights while high-fiving the arbiter of everything that is hateful (Farrakhan not only has a vile opinion of Jews – his hate speak has also singed the LGBT community), Mallory brings harm not only to Judaism, but to every human rights movement that her presence infects.
Please sign the petition and call the Office of the Chancellor at University of North Carolina, Asheville. The phone number is 828.251.6500 and you can e-mail Chancellor Cable at chanoffice@unca.edu
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