April 28, 2019The Dreidel
You are a teenager. You are at services. There is a shooter. What do you do?
The father of injured 8 year old Poway Chabad Congregation Synagogue congregant Noya Dahan just gave a passionate statement to CNN on where he recounted the moments of horror that nearly took the life of his daughter. Choking back tears, he exhaled and said ‘there is no one really to protect us.’
You are living during a time where anti-Semitism and white nationalism have taken a foothold in this country. Ignorant, scared people who can only show their strength through the weapons that they carry are being encouraged over social media and their own psychotic urges to take Jewish lives.
What do we do? Do we hide in our homes and refuse to venture out? Do we refuse to worship where we choose? Do we refuse to engage our friends and schoolmates in classes and schools that have also become targets of hate? Do we just drop out of society? No, of course not.
What we do is become aware. Aware of our immediate environment. Aware of our rightful place in society as Jews, Americans, Israelis – whatever nationality or culture you belong to. Aware of what we can do to change the level of hate and ignorance.
Awareness is key*, and here are some things you can do to protect yourself, your loved ones, your congregation, and your faith:
Those who can, should reach out to law enforcement and invite them to your synagogue so that they can instruct the congregation on best methods to insure their safety during an active shooting. Urge your Temple to engage security and monitoring technology and mass notification platforms.
Here are some useful links. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the following content. The lives you save may include your own.
Dept. of Homeland Security Options for Consideration Active Shooter Video
What Should You Do If There’s An Active Shooter In Your Office
*The above steps were written in concert with recommendations by the Dept. of Homeland Security.
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